Hair Loss

A large amount of hair can fall out or be lost temporarily or permanently, depending on the cause. It could be due to inheritance, hormonal changes, medical conditions, or aging. Females are less likely to suffer from baldness. Baldness is commonly caused by inherited hair loss that occurs with aging.
Some people prefer to go untreated and unnoticed when it comes to hair loss. It can be concealed with hairstyles, makeup, hats, and scarves. In addition, there are numerous treatments available to prevent or restore hair loss. Alopecia Areata (bald patches on the scalp) is the most common type of alopecia, followed by Alopecia Universalis (hair loss on the skin as a whole) and Finally, Alopecia Totalis (complete hair loss from the scalp) are the three types of total alopecia.
The causes of hair loss are varied and a correct diagnosis is essential to enable successful treatment. Androgenetic alopecia (the common balding process, male or female pattern hair loss) is the most common form of hair loss in men and women for which there are scientifically proven treatments which can slow down, stop or reverse the process. Generally, the earlier treatment is instigated the better the results.
Alopecia areata affects 1% of the population at some time in their lives and usually presents as patchy hair loss. Whilst the course of this condition can be unpredictable there are effective treatments to encourage regrowth. Monitoring response to treatment is vital and so each patient has a scalp check-up at each visit prior to treatment being performed which allows accurate examination to be taken at specified time intervals for comparison.
Contact your doctor about the cause of hair loss before beginning treatment.

What Causes Hair loss?

Hormonal (DHT) hair loss

Hormones are important chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream. An imbalance in testosterone levels for men, and an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone levels for women, can seriously affect hair loss.
In either sex, it can take several years before the impact of hormonal hair loss becomes noticeable. This is usually a gradual process that only occurs on the top of the scalp (temples, crown, vertex).

Nutritional hair loss

Another reason for experiencing hair loss is a lack of appropriate nutritional intake. This can occur when the body is deficient on vitamins and minerals and is not in proper condition to maintain a healthy scalp. The two most important nutrients needed for proper hair growth are Vitamin D3 and Ferritin.
While Vitamin D3 boosts the immune system and helps to create new hair follicles, Ferritin is a protein that stores iron, which carries oxygen to our cells and stimulates hair growth.

Inflammatory hair loss

The third and final reason for hair loss is related to the presence of inflammation in the body and in the scalp. Inflammation can manifest itself through in many ways including scalp itching and burning, as well as through digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, or acid reflux. Often times inflammation can result in conditions such as folliculitis, telogen effluvium, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and scaring alopecias. Inflammatory hair loss may be caused by additional lifestyle factors such as extreme exercising, medications, lack of sleep or alcohol, and drug abuse.

Female Pattern Hair Loss And Menopause

We all know that menopause can come with a multitude of not so pleasant symptoms. Women know about hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, weight gain, and lack of energy. Those are commonly talked about and somewhat expected. For a lot of women though one of the most shocking, traumatic, and sadly least discussed, symptoms of menopause is hair loss. To get very specific, hair loss associated with menopause is a genetic sensitivity of the hair follicle to DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, which is what the body converts testosterone into. This genetic sensitivity can occur anywhere between the frontal hair line and the crown area, and for women usually results in a slow progression of diffuse thinning throughout the area. For most women, it is a gradual process not usually accompanied by an increased amount of shedding. For some women, however, especially those whose doctors put them on hormone replacement therapy with testosterone included, the thinning can be rapid and very traumatic. It is at this point when women start to notice a difference in the volume of their hair, and many of them start to feel embarrassed, ashamed, self-conscious, or hopeless that there is anything they can do to reverse the unexpected onslaught of hair loss.

Do not lose hope! There are effective ways to slow down and stop the thinning associated with female pattern hair loss, and achieve regrowth.
For our client’s pattern hair loss, we have found that combining the following therapies provides the most effective regrowth when used correctly:

Topical Scalp Stimulation – To effectively grow new hair and improve the thickness of existing hairs it is important to consistently and continually provide stimulation to keep the follicles working and overcome DHT impact.

Low Level Laser Stimulation – Laser stimulation is recommended to increase circulation to the scalp and improve the rate of regrowth by increasing energy production in the cells of the hair follicles.

Nutritional Support – A complete multivitamin specific to hair growth is suggested to ensure there are no nutritional deficiencies that may prohibit growth, and provide the hair follicles with all of the necessary components to regrow strong healthy hair

Treatment Of Hair loss

We start off with a cycle of peeling treatments and soothing draining lotions that is carried out, due to the presence of impurities on the scalp also due to unsuitable cleansing. Also, we are using Detoxifying treatments for the correct restoration of the natural functions of the scalp. Our custom-made shampoos have a purifying action on the scalp.Our custom made lotions based on Essential Oils are used daily from the beginning of the treatments and it has to be combined with a lotion stimulating the tropism of the scalp, a series of enhancers designed to calm DHT and to provide glucides
Maintenance: A detox every 3 months, shampoo and lotion suitable for that scalp


Limerick, Nenagh, Portlaoise